Training on Introduction to Inclusive and Responsible Finance
Microfinance Facility Manager (FMR ) , in collaboration with African Microfinance Institutions Network ( MAIN) , has the honor to invite you to the Initiation of training in Inclusive Finance Manager (FIR) , to be held at the hotel excellence of 04-06 November 2015 in Lomé.
The introductory training on responsible and inclusive finance is an introductory course in three days will present the management of social performance (GPS) to participants. The first day will be devoted to define the GPS , to discuss its importance to financial service providers and how good GPS can help them achieve their financial and social objectives. The second day will understand the two main tools for GPS:
- The Universal Standards constitute the complete repertoire of best practices, created by and for microfinance actors . It incorporates all the client protection certification standards of the Smart Campaign , while also including the best of other areas of GPS practices.
- The SPI4 tool is an evaluation of social performance tool that is fully aligned with the Universal Standards and helps users evaluate and improve their practices.
The third day of the training will focus on action plans : how to develop , and how to address common challenges in the implementation of the plan. That day will also present some key resources.
The training program includes courses , examples of case studies , interactive group exercises and discussions.
Thank you to send us no later than October 16, 2015, the completed registration form Your participant. Training is free.
For further information , please kindly contact / / Tel : 22-21-47-57.
Hoping to count you among our participants , please accept, Madam , Sir, the assurances of our highest consideration.